“If you require a prompt and reliable crewing service, producing work of the highest quality and in the most efficient way, then Video NZ is for you.”
We select experienced crew who work effectively in a wide range of situations and conditions.
Our crews have the appropriate skills and equipment necessary for specific productions.
We can provide you with highly qualified camera operators, sound recordists, autocue operators, assistants… (those we employ usually have film or television background and experience.)
If your budget is tight, we can offer you One Person Crewing (OPC) for filming, sound and lighting.
Our crews are professionals, who enjoy their work, and want to achieve the very best for our clients.
Out of Town?
For those out of town, or overseas clients:
- we can recce locations for you
- pick you up from the airport, and provide transport while filming
- provide camera logs
- organise to have your footage transmitted, air freighted or sent via Filemail
And for that short production, send us your questions and we will interview your client and send the footage and log-sheets back to your base.